Completing the Professional IT Foundation training you will:

  • Connect with IT professionals on a different level
  • Be confident in the software business
  • Get a comprehensive overview of software development practices
  • Get a complete picture of what IT jobs are there and what each job includes
  • Learn about the latest trends and technologies

What is included in the training package?

  • IT Domain Dictionary online
  • Maximum 10 participants per training
  • Online training 5 x 2 hours
  • Online test and assessment
  • Digital certificate of participation
  • Printed textbook in Hungarian or English
  • Training language can Hungarian or English

Why choose solidCode?

  • We love software development
  • Our trainer Sándor A. Nagy has 19 years of experience in the software industry in multiple roles
  • Any questions are welcome and you will get answers on the training
  • You gain professional IT knowledge in an easy to digest way


Here is the opportunity to participate the solidCode IT training!

Contact us now if you would like to participate in the training!



IT is the future. I invite you to get ready for it.

If you feel overwhelmed by IT terms, then this is the right training for you. As a result of this training, you will become confident and have a wide overview of software development processes. You will learn using by taking quizzes, having discussions and also building up your vocabulary step by step. Then, I will explain technologies like: PWA, Low-Code development, Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning.

You will also discover what the Data Warehouse is. Next, you will find out about architectural styles and see the Client-Server architecture in detail. After that, I will describe what Machine Code and Cross-Platform development are. You will learn the steps of Software Development Life Cycle. You will understand the “Shifting Left” concept, the different levels of testing, related roles, and the Test Pyramid. Finally, we will discuss user experience, software usability and we cover the human factors, and recruitment topics.

CONNECTION: We ensure that participants will be able to connect with developers by speaking the IT language.
KNOWLEDGE SHARING: We provide a flexible guide participants to become familiar with IT.
FOR EVERYONE: We offer training for everyone, from those who have never worked in IT to those who want to widen their existing IT knowledge.

solidCode Ltd. is a registered adult education provider in Hungary. Registration number: B/2021/001792